Saturday, May 28, 2011

a super simple skirt

So I found this awesome blog, Made!! she has some really great tutorials on how to make kids clothes and adult clothes too. As a beginning sewer I am loving all the ideas to be found there. She also shows you how to make some patterns. Yeah!!! I hate to buy something if I don't have to. So I was at the thrift store the other day and saw this sheet

my first thought was oh that would make the cuttest little girl skirt. So of course I bought it and got to work. Thanks to this tutorial Once I got my act together and had all the supplies,it was so easy. Curly hair loves it and told me I should make one for me, so we can match. I am really enjoying stretching myself and learning something new and actually having a finished project in my hands to show for it. I decided I need to learn how to sew, because I'm going to need to make dresses and skirts for her like my mom did for me. It's so hard to find modest dresses these days. I'm already having trouble finding modest shorts and she's so little. I'm afraid for when she gets bigger. I was lucky to have a mom who sews. I want my kids to have that too. Here's my finished project. Thankfully I have a muse who loves to have her picture taken.

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