Monday, May 17, 2010

Time Flies

Well the chickens are now in the Chicken house and loving every minute of it. Unfortunately I left the door open to let them free range and my dog killed half of them. But that's just a dog doing what a dog does. On the brighter side. It is so beautiful today. We've had lots of rain, but today it's clear and perfect outside. I've been weeding my strawberries and raspberries. It's so exciting for me to see how the plants have spread since last year. We already have some blossoms on the strawberry plants. I love living in the country. It's so peaceful. We're also boarding some horses on the property. The kids and I have had a great time feeding and petting them. D. even got to ride one. Ahhh the simple life. Now if I could only get my hands on a Jersey Cow.

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